Monday 22 June 2009

Vicente Ferrer

These days are sad days. Last summer I had the opportunity to meet a great person, unrepeatable, full of humanity and charisma. He is Vicente Ferrer. He left us some days ago with a big repercussion in India. The last news talks about more than 100,000 of people in his interfaith burial ceremony in Bathalapalli (Anantapur).
If people in the world, specially our authorities, had a small part of his humanity, the world would be very different, I am sure.
Next to him I saw a great woman, his wife Anna. Not behind a great man, beside a great man we could see a great woman, as she often said.
Here you have a video about Anna and another about Vicente Ferrer and his life.

Rest in peace dear Vicente.


Nuria Vidal said...

Thanks for sharing this!
I've been thinking of you and of course I've related these days to the video you gave me. I'll go there. There's so much to learn, I feel!

Nuria Vidal said...

Will be going there, soon!!! Thanks to you and your enthusiasm!!! Will keep you informed.

I hope this reaches you somehow...